-- Go on my blog just to look at my slide show up top. I can't help but smile at all the memories, the people who shaped me into who I am.
-- Think about the future. I know, I know. Live to the fullest now, but the future just looks so sweet, and so much less complicated.
-- Make lists, can you tell?
-- Complain to myself about how messy my room is but do nothing about it.
-- Do what people want me to. I'm happy making other people happy.
-- At the same time, do what I want. I long to be independent, it's an only child thing.
-- Go to school looking forward to my four hour break, how can I not?
-- Want to just stay home on my days off. It's so much easier that way.


Melissa said...

I can't help but.. wait! ;)

salvadormarino said...

-- Go to school looking forward to my four hour break, how can I not?
