I am trying to:

1) Get rid of this sore&ichy throat/cough/stuffy nose/sneezy thing going on with me by downing shots of Buckley's and mug's of hot water + lemon + honey
2) Do Bio like my life depends on it
3) Keep up in school, even though it feels like I haven't learned a thing this semester
4) Keep in touch with everyone and make the most of it
5) Get over the fact that my "debut" is no longer possible
6) Make peace and accept that "you can't change people, you can only change yourself. All you can do is make peace with yourself, and just say sorry, even though you don't even know what you're saying sorry for"
7) Practise driving as much as I can.. Must. Get. Licence.
8) Cut down on my spending (which has actually been working out pretty well, since I haven't left my house in a good two weeks.)
9) Continue living in a healthy environment (mentally, physically, emotionally)
10) Make the most of the time with my girls

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