I suppose this whole blogging thing was a little short lived for me. I guess its the whole busy thing. Even though it seems like I do nothing every day, when I really look back on it I've actually been pretty busy. There are so many things going on, and so many factors to consider when making decisions that it gets a little overwhelming. I don't always know what to do, but I can try. One thing that I really want to stress with people is that I want to make me own mistakes. And I think I need that. Honestly, I've been told what to do my whole life, and most of the mistakes I've made is because I did what they wanted me to do and went against my gut feeling. Well now I think I just need to take the plunge and do what I want to do, and what I feel is right. Maybe I should stop asking for peoples' advice that I know don't want me to do the things that I want to do. But then again, I'm nothing without those people. So for now, I'll just live the life that I want for myself. I'm ready to make my own mistakes.

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