February 13, 2009

If you haven't already figured from my previous posts, this past year has been quite hard on me. (Shocker isn't it? Especially to my loyal readers) Anyways, a lot has happened, good and bad. I feel like I've been numbed with anaesthetic for the past thirteen months, and most things have been so intense that it's just become a blur. Even though being numb helps you get over the pain, it also prevents you from feeling the pleasure. Some can't comprehend how I live like that, but I do, and I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping it like that for a while now. But honestly, as I've said before, I'm tired. I'm tired of living my life of numbness. I want to feel the pleasure of the great things that I have going in my life, but from what's been going on, the pain has not subsided, it just keeps coming back. I've tried so hard, prayed all I could, and hoped that things could just work out. Things don't always go the way you want them to, and I accept that. But I owe it to myself to be happy. I deserve to withdraw the anaesthetic and feel again. But as much as I hoped, and prayed, and begged for it, it's been proven that I can't do that here. I have never been a person that's hated where I live, and that's not how I feel at all. Vancouver just isn't the same for me anymore. I hope you can understand that.

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