A few days ago, I was checking my e-mail, and I got an e-mail from an old friend, isntshelovelyy. For those of you that have known me for a long time, blogging was an ancient pastime that was used for randomly talking about my day, and ranting about my life. Then I began to think "why did I stop that? I still have a lot of things to talk about." So here I am, joining the bandwagon as you could say, of blogging, my ancient pastime. Even though I cannot promise that this blog will have no drama, it will definitely lack the grade nine ridiculousness of isntshelovelyy. So here you go, this is my life.



salvadormarino said...

aw i miss isntshelovelyy

Bjay said...

YAY. First off, the blogging scene was always here for you. =) AHA Post drama. It looks cool in 25 years. Jokes

Rm said...

saalvmarino said...

aw i miss isntshelovelyy

Rm said...


come find me ;)